I’ve graduated from college! It’s been a while since I posted, but I wanted to share this exciting milestone. I’m part of UCLA’s Centennial class, and I did my Bachelor of Arts in Economics.
It was a crazy, amazing, challenging, and growing four years. The Economics major at UCLA pushed my academic horizons, and made me stronger in multiple aspects of my life. There’s so much I could say on my major, but I want to keep this short. If you want a full delve into my student experiences, you can check out LA baby, my poetry anthology about my four undergraduate years as a UCLA student living in the greater city of Los Angeles.
Click below for the link:
You can check out the graduation experience in this video here! I am so honored to be part of UCLA’s Centennial class!
Much love and cheers to this exciting day,
find me on: -instagram,-youtube, -pinterest, -la baby