thanks to my viewers and followers
have a great weekend guys, and keep your eyes out for new posts ~!
I like to take pictures of my shower when I’m bored.
Got a plastic…..basket? Container? idk wtf from Daiso
Daiso=my life.
I get everything there, like, hair shit, FOOD, RAMUNE, notebooks, pencils, boxes, makeup, containers, blah blah blah…EVERYTHING. at daiso.
okay anyway. I’ve been wanting to go there and get a plastic basket for a while now, because the only shelf/storage in my shower is a window thing facing the sun. I usually put all my products there, but the sun’s been quite strong lately and is killing the smell of everything. My shampoo smells like a dead rat.
Okay. Well not THAT bad. But it doesn’t smell like peaches. WHICH IT SHOULDDDDD.
anyway I decided that I need a basket of some sort so I can store everything in my actual tub.
And i found one, super cheap and has PINK.
SOLD ^__^
and of course I have to take pictures.
my shower looks so cute with the new little basket.
i like the girly colors of all my products.
artsyyy artsyyy
they all smell like crap and probably dont work anymore
this is what summer does to me.
im going to shut up and make some pmt now.
Body+Hair+Skin Products Mini Haul~!
Went shopping at random places over the weekend.
Got some body+hair+ skin products.
It’s not much, but I wanted to share anyway….
Bought some more conditioner. SMELLS GOOD with my shampoo! (Green apple shampoo)
The conditioner alone also smells pretty good. Moroccan rose+passion fruit=yum.
This is the conditioner I normally use. I’d definitely recommend it for those with dry and color treated hair!
Bought some more leave in conditioner. I run out of this stuff realllly quickly!
I’ve tried a lot of other brands, but the Garnier Fructis leave in conditioner works the best for me, and smells the best too! Loveee it. I have like 5 bottles of this stuff LOL.
Body butter from the Body Stuff!!! DUDE I LOVE HOW THESE SMELL.
They’re not cheap, $16 a container, but definitely worth it. Especially if you have SUPER dry skin like me =.=
I used to have the Pink Grapefruit and Satsuma ones, which smelled AMAZING.
This time I bought the Passion Fruit and Blueberry ones 😀
They both smell really good!
I haven’t opened the blueberry one yet, but I’ve already used about half of the Passion Fruit one. LOL.
And lastly I bought the
Clean and Clear Morning Burst Skin Brightening Facial Cleanser!
The caffeine in this actually wakes me up! ITS CRAZY. The effects don’t last long, but right after I wash my face with this, I feel SO refreshed! 😀
And this stuff smells amazing. It smells like my asian products~!!
So that’s all I got. Also bought some clothes and shoes but too lazy to take pictures of those….
Thanks for reading and stay tuned!