Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted a dog as a pet.
My mindset towards dogs have changed over the past few years. Initially, I wanted a dog as an animal to look after and play with. All dogs are adorable, and I wanted one to take around with me and look after.
This past week, my friend has been off on college visits, and we’ve been taking care of her familys dog. It’s name is Fifi, and it’s an adorable bichon frise. Being with this dog in large amounts of time over the past few days, I feel myself beginning to truly understand the deep bond between a dog and it’s owner.
Dogs have such pure and friendly souls!! When I think of Fifi I think of a smiling cloud haha
I wonder how it feels to be a dog, wagging my tail all day and taking naps on pillows on the sofa. It must be nice ^^
Fifi is more of a reserved dog in my opinion. She’s really cute, and what I originally thought was the perfect dog, but being with her made me realize that dogs have distinct personalities and are just like friends.
You have those friends who you’re sociable with, and like to grab a drink with, and then you have your best friends, sisters, call them what you want.
(sorry, this might seem like a really stupid epiphany to some people, but I’ve never experienced this kind of thought process before taking care of this dog for a week. )
My parents have finally agreed to letting me and Bridgette raise a dog!!! (after years of shameless pleading)
I hope the dog we find will love us and have a great personality. I’m really excited to have a pet as cute as a doggy! haha
Here’s a visual.
Meet Fifi everyone!
Stay tuned and please share your thoughts 🙂