**Aries Dates:* March 21 – April 19
Aries makes a bold and self-confident impression. You might find them on your school’s sports team or in an intramural club.
They like to be direct when it comes to making friends.
They’ll be doing a lot of fun things all the time and going on adventures with whoever is down. The Aries student is so high energy that you wonder if this person ever sleeps. They maintain really high energy levels without even drinking coffee or any caffeine. They are the leaders in the class and have a presence in lectures. You can often find the Aries student arguing for their grades with the professor or TA. Although they’re always having fun, they also care a lot about their grades. They’re competitive and want to be first in the class. They are the student that will argue their grades back because they think they are always right and they can usually convince people why. And you just get tired of arguing with them once you realize you’ll never convince them otherwise.

*Taurus Dates:* April 20 – May 20
She has her life together. She’s the student that shows up for finals looking actually put together, functional, and ready to take a test. She has really pretty matching school supplies, planners, water bottles, etc. She studies really really hard, she’s that student that fills up every millimeter of her formula card for tests, and she highlights so many sentences in her notes that her entire binder is basically just a highlighter. She knows the local restaurant scene like the back of her hand and is always trying to get you to go to restaurants with her that have five-star ratings on Yelp. She’s also probably Yelp elite. Retail therapy is what keeps her sane during high-pressure weeks. She’s always getting packages in the mail. She might be in a sorority. They care just the right amount. She mainly minds her own business and for the most part, tries to fly under the radar.

*Gemini Dates:* May 21 – June 20
Gemini is the student going to cool events all around town. They are *always* sending memes in the group chat. It’s basically their part-time job. The group chat would be dead if it weren’t for her digital chattiness. They love learning and are always asking questions in class. They like to play the devil’s advocate…and they’ll always have a new conspiracy theory to tell you about when you hang out. Gemini students are probably involved in a lot of different clubs, anything from the cartoon club to social clubs. This student is always chewing gum. They sometimes get extremely distracted in lecture by all the thoughts running around in their heads.
They’re the ones who always cram their studying. They might walk into class the day of the quiz and ask what you’re being quizzed on…but they still somehow get good grades. They are *always* leaving their water bottle or hoodies behind in class. Geminis are normally very friendly, but sometimes you catch them in a bad mood (it shows.) And with that comes a lot of complaining. Sometimes they come to class excited and energetic, and sometimes they’ll be in the back corner half asleep. These friends are easy to get to know, but probably too lazy to hang out with you after class. They also probably have better plans than to come to your party tonight.

*Cancer Dates:* June 21 – July 22
Her dorm room is decked out with stuffed animals. Seriously, why are there so many stuffed animals? I know five-year-olds with less.
You might not be able to tell how emotional they are, but they are total softies on the inside. She tries hard in all aspects but also gets stressed and exhausted easily. She likes to cook, bake, and do coloring books to destress.
Sometimes, they get into sad boi moods and hide away in their dorm rooms. They’ll watch anime and studio ghibli movies until they feel better.
They are good teammates on group projects. They might get jealous when they see their best friends hanging out with other people. They are the friend who will always be there and might be the friend that you hang out with all the time.

*Leo Dates:*July 23 – August 22
Leo is the stereotypical mean girl of the school. She’s the popular one who has a whole fan club running after. She probably has a rep in school for something but doesn’t care because she likes drama. I’ll have some drama in my school life, and make it double. They are clear about who their squad is, and doesn’t really feel the need to venture too far out of that. They sit front row in lectures and are competitive, in school and in life. You’re simultaneously dazzled by her, annoyed by her, and wanting to be liked by her.

*Virgo Dates:* August 23 – September 22
The student you can always rely on for immaculate notes if you’ve missed a lecture? That’s definitely the Virgo student. Have you ever seen such an impressive and packed Google Calendar? Just looking at it makes me want to go back to sleep. Speaking of sleep, this is the one college student that somehow has a consistent sleep schedule? (SOMEHOWWW how?) None of us know. They’re also that student that takes their stress out in productive and healthy ways, like running instead of binge drinking and eating jumbo bags of hot Cheetos. They are perfectionists, not even closet ones. It’s pretty obvious. You would think their rooms would be super clean, but weirdly, they are not. They also have a ton of admirers but have uber-high standards for dating.

*Libra Dates:* September 23 – October 22
They’re the student who always looks *good*. They always look put together and well-groomed, even if it’s dead week and finals are right around the corner. They like to go to aesthetic places after class, like trending cafes or nice malls. They spend half their time in college and the other half dating. Libra students are usually social butterflies that have a million things to attend to. They love forming study groups, and are the ones who keep everyone from ripping each other’s heads off during group projects. They might be double-majoring because she couldn’t decide on one major.

*Scorpio Dates:* October 23 – November 21
There’s that one mysterious girl in two of the lecture halls that you can’t quite pinpoint. She’s always coming in with the same coffee from the same coffee shop. You’ve never seen her talk but somehow you’re fascinated by her presence. She sits in the back row of all the lectures, the mysterious quiet one in all of your classes. She’s a Scorpio, and outside of college life, she’s probably friends with a group of internet-famous baddies who go around doing crazy things. She shoots you an intense look from time to time when she catches you staring, but she’s always off right when the lecture ends to go hang out with these friends. She’s literally too cool for school.

*Sagittarius Dates:* November 22 – December 21
They’re that student who is never around during breaks. You catch them on Instagram adventuring in a foreign country literally the day after school let out after finals. Nothing can stop their wanderlust, not even college student broke-ness or the temptation to hibernate between semesters. In the winter, the Sagitarrius friend will invite you to go snowboarding. They’re always ready for the seasonal adventure or activity. That’s your friend you call up any time you want to try a new restaurant or go to a strange event. Because of their open-mindedness, hey always ends up doing really weird things and getting into bizarre experiences. But hey, it makes a great dorm hall story to tell. Sagittarius energy is somehow infectious. When they’re upset or angry, it shows. They are blunt with their words and don’t care what other people think. Although they always look nice and friendly, they can intimidate people with their unfiltered honesty.

*Capricorn Dates:* December 22 – January 19
She’s the student who’s also club president. And also the professor’s TA. And maybe even an RA. She’s had super impressive internships starting from senior year of high school. She’s the one you go to for tips on networking or when you need a little “get your life together pep talk”. She entered college with her degree at the top of her mind, and she’s determined to hit as many life goals as she can off along the way. Unlike other students, she actually has 36 hours in her day. She’s really smart, of course, she tries hard at school like everything else she does, but she’s really book smart anyway.
And yes, *of course* she has time to go to daily yoga club meetings. That’s a no brainer.

*Aquarius Dates:* January 20 – February 18
They’re that student in your lecture that shows up about half the time. They give off a quiet impression until you actually start talking to them. They’ll probably start talking about something you literally never knew existed and you’ll never be able to get them to shut up about it.
They’re a great friend to take to new parties or awkward events where you need an icebreaker because they can surprisingly get along with just about anyone. Seeing your Aquarian friend socialize always surprises you, regardless of how well you might know them. Don’t be surprised if they bounce from being really socially active to being a total hermit and digitally ghosting all their friends. (Just don’t take it personally.) They’re one of the signs that enjoys their alone time just as much as their time with other people. They might be nocturnal. They don’t like homework and find the concept petty. But they still get good grades because Aquariuses are smart AF.

*Pisces Dates:* February 19 – March 20
She’s that student who’s in your college music club. She’s the one singing and playing guitar. She might also play a few other instruments.
They are closet perfectionists. Their outward emotional and messy personality might not show it, but they are critical to themselves.
They might not be all up in your face about it, but they work very hard. She will cry over bad grades and take them super personally. She has an artsy Instagram where they post deep things and late-night thoughts
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any requests feel free to reach out. Stay tuned and I’ll see you soon.
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