Stanley Wu and I headed out to a spot on the UCLA campus to shoot this outfit that I had in mind. I love this blue and white patterned skirt, which I bought in an underground subway station in Seoul, Korea last summer. It’s like a spin-off of checkers. It was super cheap and I wore it all the time over there with crop tops. In the states, I’ve been wearing it less, especially recently with the colder weather. (Once spring and summer kick around again, it won’t be the same story!) For this look, I paired it with a gray cashmere sweater. If you’re trying to pair a sweater with a skirt, I would always tuck it in (unless it’s a short or cropped sweater) so you can see more of the skirt. It gives the outfit more structure.
One of the things I always miss most about countries are their fashion trends and their constant underlying styles. I always try to take a piece of it with me, which is why I have a lot of unique pieces here and there in my closet. It’s a memento- a fond component of my increasingly international closet. I always like to incorporate my innate love for Asian fashion into what I wear in California. Sometimes the trends are a mixup, but that’s all part of the fun! <3