Two girls. 24 hours. How much can we hit in West LA?
In 2019 I graduated from university (UCLA!) and I haven’t stepped foot on campus since then. What a crazy year it’s been- my life has changed more than I could have ever imagined as a college student. One of my dreams was to write “LA baby”, a college anthology about my years of living in Los Angeles. For the first time, this book has met its birthplace- UCLA!
Part one of this LA trip is here:
This one is all around East LA (USC, DTLA, Koreatown, Row DTLA, and more)
Give it a watch and let me know which one you liked better 🙂
The contacts that I’m wearing throughout this video are from HapaKristin. They have the most adorable packaging and very comfortable lenses. You can use my discount code “allygong_10” for 10% off your purchase!​