Love this dress that Tobi gifted me as part of our collaboration so much!! You can see the original collaboration here. I love the flowy pink chiffon and relaxed, playful vibe! This is me in a dress. These photos were actually taken a while ago (in Yosemite actually.) I had to pair some jeans under the dress because it was so cold out! I really enjoyed these photos because of the stunning natural backdrop!
A thank you to Charlie Chang photography for capturing some of these moments! 🙂
An update of my life… I did my first interactive job trial yesterday at the Maxmara in the Stanford mall. Being a salesperson there for even just three hours gave me a pretty solid grasp of their entire spring collection and their trademark design elements. It was a really interesting experience for me, and I’ll see where all this job hunting gets me. My boyfriend works at the Stanford mall as well, so he’s been driving me to work and picking me up and buying me Godiva chocolates during our breaks. As the weather gets hot and everyone starts to feel a little dizzy with the upcoming summer feelings, we just sit together and drive around and are often reminded of Asia (me of Shanghai, him of Korea.) Who knew someone could be so happy even when working? 🙂 Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!