These photos were taken in the summer, and already my world has changed phenomenally. What I can relate to now still is that youthful feeling of hope and faith. These photos were taken at a crossing road point in my life, I didn’t know fully how to interpret the past behind me because it was unstable. There were so many things that I wanted affirmation on before I felt like I could really decide how I felt about myself, love, and where I was going. Waiting on factors outside your control leads always to a shaky passage of time.
Now, standing at a much later place, in college, sitting across from a new someone that I love dearly, I feel so close to the girl in these pictures, the me that wasn’t sure how far I was willing to walk on my own. That feeling was like the moment a cherry blossom falls off it’s branch, being slowly carried downwards by the wind-yet still in a peaceful flight. I hope that if you are ever feeling that kind of lonely but determined hope, you will find a beautiful landing point.
Even if you cry a million tears, you can smile a million times again in the future.
Much love,