I’ve expressed my thoughts and feelings about this digital economy, our ever-changing and ever-pervasive social media usage, and social isolation into my second book Isolation: Modern Manifesto. Touching on all these themes and featuring ten of my own illustrated concepts, it’s a memento of this touchstone year and the beginning of our decade, as well as a modern manifesto of how to live as a human in this increasingly digital age.
This book is split into three parts: Down the Rabbit Hole, Digital World, and Climbing Out, and it includes ten of my original illustrated concepts based on the poems! A huge thank you to Tim Lindner, my editor for helping this come to life. (and for writing the awesome blurb on the back!)

Unlike LA baby, a personal memoir of my college years in Los Angeles, I pushed myself to write Isolation to be as universal as possible, while still encapsulating my perspective towards the year. Congrats to all of us for getting through it! Our global and individual perseverance during the pandemic isn’t something to be overlooked- at some points, I was scared the year would never end. After quitting my first job out of college and being unable to do a lot of things that have always been cornerstone to my identity, the past year pushed me to accept myself more holistically, facing all the difficult feelings and riding through them. (I guess you could say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger pretty much applies in this case.) With the passing of each year, I’m learning to maintain my idealism and dreams while creating a more realistic sense of both the positives and negatives in this infinitely complex existence.
Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone who bought and read LA baby and who is planning to give this book a read. Your support has helped me to grow as a writer, and it’s been the most significant milestone of my life to share my inner world with you through these books.
Isolation is now available for purchase on Amazon, and you can also email me (allyinspires@gmail.com) or direct message me on Instagram (@allygong) for a signed copy (with stickers!) shipped directly to you!
Isolation: Modern Manifesto on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vfqSjp
LA Baby (my debut novel): https://amzn.to/3bCL6f0
Thank you and love always,