Me and my best friends have thrown two successful brunches given a very short time notice and limited budget, so yes, we are officially qualified brunch-throwers. The most recent brunch that we threw was a girly, all-pink brunch for our best friend’s eighteenth birthday! We also got her a gift basket, and scrapbook along with this brunch. Anyway, with our new self-award “brunch queen” certificates, I present a how-to post on throwing a cute brunch!
This is how our pink girl’s brunch for one of my best friend Noa’s 18th birthday went down:
10:30 AM
Wear pink, Esther says. There’s an emergency at Ally’s house. She pulls Noa into the car and off they head towards my house.
Behind the scenes, starting at around 8AM, Ally and Neta have been scrambling around, icing cupcakes, decorating with banners, setting up table clothes, and whipping up the perfect birthday music video playlist on the TV. Earlier, we had baked cupcakes in pink cupcake papers, picked up some pink glazed donuts, concocted a pink berry punch, and cut up some strawberries. As Esther and Noa ring the doorbell, we finish lighting the candles on the cupcakes, grab a birthday sash and birthday crown to attack Noa with as she walks in, and press “play” on the playlist!
All you really need to throw an adorable brunch for a bestie is:
-the ability to wake up at 8 on a Sunday morning
-cute decorations (which you can likely find at a dollar store or party store)
-even cuter friends
-coffee or red bull if you’re an occasional caffeine junkie like myself 🙂