(Photo by Charlie Chang ) Hi guys! I am always looking for easy skincare products to use because I am very lazy about my skincare. 🙁 Thankfully, there are some amazing products out there for quick-use. Recently I’ve been incorporating the evian® Mineral Water Spray into my daily use. I heard my first rave about this product from my suitemate in the summer, who really loved the product. I saw it around at Sephora and other beauty stores, but wasn’t sure I wanted to spend money on a can of… fancy water? However, evian® recently sent me a sample product for review. I started using it and I am honestly amazed at the uses of this product! I use it every night after I get out of the shower and when I wash my face. I hold it two feet away from my face and spray two or three times. It leaves my skin looking dewy and bright! I apply lotion afterwards. If my skin feels dry before I apply my makeup, I spray away, wait for it to dry a bit, and then proceed with my makeup! I also bring a travel size around with me on special occasions if I need a makeup boost in the middle of my event. It can be sprayed on your face after makeup application to make your face look fresher without messing or smearing anything.
When reading about the details of this product, I realized this mineral water has a unique mineral balance and a unique pH. The million droplets that absorb into your face in the form of fine mist started as rain and snow atop the French Alps. It is filtered and shipped from just outside the town of Evian-Les-Bains, France, and this mineral spray is a product that many French women have relied on as part of their beauty routine for years!
This spray is great for anyone; even though it is mineral water and has no chemicals, it has still been dermatologically tested and is hypoallergenic. I break out super easily and have a million allergies so this is great news to me. Although this product was sent to me for review, these opinions are my own and I can not rave enough about this product! Definitely buying more of this when I run out.
Hope you found this review helpful! If you ever run into this product at the beauty store, I would definitely test it out and see if you like it. Although it is a little pricey, I think it’s definitely a clean and easy to use beauty product. Leave me comments if there are any other beauty posts you want to see in the future!