Resuming/starting a new diet today!!! (hopefully my face will slim down too a bit! it’s been pretty swollen and just weird lately )
I haven’t been doing well the past few weeks in terms of being healthy, eating well, or working out. I definitely find myself needing to get into the habit of things, especially when it comes to working out! I have weeks where I’ll work out and run a mile and then do other cardio for an hour or so every night, and then I’ll stop for various reasons, and find myself scared to go to the gym. LOL. And when that happens, it takes me a couple of weeks to even force myself back there. That’s not just me right? I feel like it’s a pretty common thing among lazy people xD
Anyway, I’ve been feeling pretty bad about myself these last few days/week, and just been reconsidering some aspects of my life. I haven’t been doing too great at school either! (because I find myself being extremely unproductive with my time)
I think going on a diet and working out more is definitely going to make me feel a bit better about this current point in my life!! Also, I have a special date in two weeks that I must be skinny and pretty for ;___; gambatte allyy!
Recently, the diets I’ve been doing are basically
1. granola breakfast
2. small healthy snacks like banana or rice crackers (I’ll usually bring something to school because I get hungry and it’s embarassing if my stomach growls during class LOL)
i try not to eat more than two healthy snacks a day, and even less if its unhealthy
sometimes it happens though, some food is soooo tempting and its soo hard to stay away from sweets because I HAVE A SWEET SPOT FOR SWEETS okay i need to stop talking about it im getting hungry
3. for lunch I usually just bring whatever leftovers, which are usually pretty healthy as well
i try to cut down on rice too! (I don’t normally eat much rice to begin with anyway, so that part isn’t too too hard)
4. for dinner I just eat a lot of vegetables, mainly kale and spinach!
5. work out after dinner for 30 minutes to an hour. the last time I dieted, i did a lot of running. I haven’t run recently so I’m kind of scared to, but I think I’ll get around to the treadmill again sometime soon. for now I’ve just been doing cross trainers, which is pretty okay too
Normally, a week into the diet I find myself being quite impartial to food, especially if I’m very motivated to lose weight and get skinnier, like I am for this diet! (Sometimes I just diet to cleanse or to slim down certain features, but this time I want to lose lose lose!)
My body works in the way where I can eat a considerably large amount of food and not gain much weight. I have pretty good metabolism, so if I can manage to eat less for two weeks the difference becomes visible! But I love food so much, so it’s really really really hard.
too scared to weigh myself but I’ll find some way to give qualitative measurements of progress (hopefully there’s progress!!)
Okay everyone! Wish me luck and give me love !