Hi guys!! Oh no, it’s almost 3 AM! Sick girl can’t sleep 🙁
When I can’t sleep I tend to think a lot about completely irrelevant things like 9th grade boy crushes, what kind of breakfasts I ate in Japan, and crap like that.
A few hours earlier, I was thinking back on a site I made during the 6th grade, and it made me think to the advice section I put on there! (By the way, I was a really cool kid back then…) If you want to be entertained and revisit middle school shenanigans… visit (http://www.freewebs.com/ally1on/) not even going to link to it because I’d rather not have everyone quote me.
Anyway, thinking back to that made me remember how much fun I had talking to people and trying to help them solve problems in their lives! I don’t tell many people about my emotional journey and many dark secrets about myself, but I would credit myself as one (albeit young) who’s experienced quite a lot in life already! I want to share my mistakes and growth from these personal experiences with others in the form of advice! I love to give family and friends advice, so I thought I would implement an advice column type thing into my blog and give it a test. On my contact page (you can get there by clicking the “Contact” icon on my tab bar on the top of the blog!) I added a section called “Ask Ally” and added a form under there as well!
Here is a link to that page in case you’re too lazy to scroll up and click the icon. (Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us.) http://www.allygong.com/p/contact.html
I want to give helpful advice on anything ranging from beauty/fashion questions to things like personal/interpersonal/relationship advice! Think of me like a friend, because I won’t judge you or smirk or do any of that bitchy shit. I will also try to post pictures along with my advice when I have the chance! Let’s get those questions rolling and see how this goes!
Love you all! Hope everyones had a more restful night than yours truly…