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I took this picture with flash, and since this product has high spf, my face looks a lot more pale than it actually is…
I feel like the Aqua Rush Bb cream has a similar if not slighter thinner consistency than the Jasmine bb cream. I really love the thinner coverage because I feel like it’s great for summer, and gives your pores more room to breath.
How it feels:
Both BRTC bb creams that I’ve tried, especially this one, have a very watery and soft consistency. I think it’s very unique, and feels almost more like a lotion than gunky foundation. This is great for people who are looking for protection from the sun, a more even complexion, and just something to throw on your face in the mornings. The quality of this bb cream is really nice, and I feel like I’m doing my skin a huge favor whenever I wear these bb creams from BRTC!
Overall Rating:
I would give this an 9.1 out of 10.
I”ve just recently started using this bb cream however, and I tend to like products more and more, so I’m sure the rating for this will change over time.
I love the high SPF of this product, and it’s exactly what I’m looking for as the sun is getting stronger! The shade is again a bit light, but it’s honestly not a big deal and I’ve received many compliments on it.
Other notes/Details:
This product smells really really similar to Shiseido products, which I like. However, I loved the jasmine smell of BRTCs other bb cream, and I wish all my beauty products smelled like it haha.
I’ll be making a Youtube video review for this BB cream soon! (either this weekend or next weekend)
What kind of look should I do with this?
Comment below with suggestions! <3
if you have any more questions, feel free to drop a comment in the box below or contact me some other way!
Check out BRTC sometime!
They have some great products, and target common skin problems.